Top 10 household items you can use in the bedroom

If you want to spice things up in the bedroom there are everyday household items you can use that will take the passion to a new level! It will also give you a little tingle of pleasure when you use or walk passed said item for weeks afterwards.

  1. Spatula - If you’ve always wanted to try spanking then a spatula makes a perfect paddle. Vary the sensation by trying hard and soft spanking and positioning the paddle at different angles. Once you’ve got the hang of it you can invest in some proper gear like our paddles and floggers.
  2. Whipped cream – this is a great way to add some sticky fun, squirt cream wherever you desire and then slowly lick it off. Looking for variations? Why not try some chocolate or caramel body paint.
  3. Feather duster – the sensation provided by running a feather duster over various parts of the body such as the penis, nipples, and backs of the knees, can really add to the foreplay. It’s gentle on all sensitive areas!
  4. Scarves and ties – 50 Shades of Grey is seeing a revival with the launch of the trailer for the upcoming movie, why not experiment with a bit of bondage in the bedroom? Scarves and ties are an excellent, and naughty way, to experiment and who knows, you may become the next Christian Grey. If you are going to try bondage, remember the rules by reading our blog on trying bondage for the first time.
  5. Ice cubes - we’ve talked about the pleasure hot and cold sensations can bring during foreplay and oral sex. There’s nothing guaranteed to heat things up more than adding a little ice. Brush an ice cube over sensitive areas of the body or use it to cool down your mouth during oral sex – the goose bumps won’t just be caused by the ice!
  6. Hair brush – if you don’t have a spatula to hand, we’re not all Delia Smith you know, then a paddle hairbrush is the next best thing! Use the flat side (or experiment with the bristled side if you prefer) to administer a thorough spanking to your naughty girl or boy!
  7. Clothes pegs – always wanted to try nipple clamps? Before you invest in the real thing, why not try clothes pegs on for size, wearing them is bound to give you both a thrill. Like the sensation? Why not check out our range of nipple clamps, breast massagers, and vibrating nipple clamps.
  8. Candles – back to the hot and cold sensations again, try dripping candle wax onto your partner (avoid overly sensitive areas and don’t get too close with the flame though) and then have a sexy shower afterwards to wash it all off.
  9. Washing machine – make laundry more exciting by taking advantage of the spin cycle. Having sex on top of the washer can add some great vibrating sensations for both partners.
  10. Showerhead – if you are lucky enough to have a power shower then you have hours of fun ahead of you (pun intended). Simply guide the showerhead to where it gives you the most pleasure and ride the waves of ecstasy.
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