The Dark Side of Anal Douche Kits

Experienced or doing sex for the first time, anal Douche kit somehow makes it to one of the necessary component of your sex toys list. No denial, sex is an important aspect in each human’s life and much to my surprise, 88% men agreed to have had anal sex in the past year. With so much likability for the above and to avoid accidents, in my opinion it’s no harm to use an anal douche kit. But before going into any further details, what exactly is ‘douching’ or calls for the usage of anal douche kits.
Douching in simple terms is a process involving passing of fluid into lower rectum or colon or to be specific in the lower gut, a part responsible for collecting faeces. To allow removal or cleaning of this residual matter, I prefer to use douche kit. There are multifarious ways to achieve the above. One way is by using special bulbs which hold the capability of holding water right up or by using additional cleansing agents as salt, soap etc.
Risk Factor with Douching
I personally prefer to use anal douche if feeling for the need to have anal sex with the basic thought of avoiding any accidents. However, going against nature has a few disadvantages and bad effects on our body itself. Few negative impacts of douching are discussed below-
1. The first likely to have problem is openness to infections. It happens so due to the removal of the protective mucous lining of the arse.
2. Besides the easy entry of infections, irritation through douching over the arse is also quite common. The activity of sticking nozzles further aggravates the chances of tiny cuts complicating the process even more.
3. Anything against the natures rule is liable to cause some problems. Much the same happens with douching as it interrupts the normal functioning of your bowels. In fact, some patients need to be given laxatives to recover to a normal mode.
4. Anal douche are definitely a big no for heart patients as Enemas are found to overload heart.

To summarise all of the above, adding water, passing lube into the ass disrupts the thin delicate bowel lining as well as causing many scratches or cuts. Not only infection, serious diseases as HIV are at more risks to happen. But despite all of the above, Douche kit if handled with care is a must to try for once sex toy.

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